
Welcome to the Blog!

I’m so glad you decided to stop by and cozy up with me, Kristyn! When you’re here, I hope you’ll feel right at home. I’ve had this idea to start a multi-purpose blog for quite a while. If you’ve seen my personal Instagram or Facebook page, you’ll find many a food and crafty posts. Along…

Latest from the Blog

20 Week Update!!

I know it’s been such a long time since I posted last, but can you believe it?! We’re already 20 weeks! Actually, tomorrow we’ll be 21 weeks, so less than halfway to go until we get to meet our sweet baby! Now that we’re halfway there, I wanted to do a quick post to update…

Frozen Transfer #4 Update!

Happy Spring friends!! I know it’s been quite some time since I last gave an update, so here we go! In case you’re not following me on Instagram, on March 6th we had our fourth frozen embryo transfer. Everything went perfectly (aside from my bladder taking FOREVER to fill up enough to actually do the…

Coping With Miscarriage and What’s Coming Next

If you read my last post, you know that at 5 weeks 4 days we had a biochemical pregnancy, or more simply put, a miscarriage. For those who don’t know, a biochemical pregnancy occurs when you get an early positive pregnancy test, but are unable to see anything on the ultrasound. Regardless of when it…

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